eternity is a path in the present

The formula of eternity: symptoms of inner (dis)orders

Should we look at life in what way? In a time of emotional (dis)orders the formula for eternity is no longer a romantic idiosyncrasy. In a way no one can ask who we are, or ask us to remain the same, we simply change, evolve and even in our old dna of habits and features, there is something always mutating (even if it is just our mood). In the end it is something as simple as that: we should live each moment of the present fully. That I firmly believe is the only thing that still can makes us Read more […]

23 Key Qualifications and Experience necessary for any team working in SEO & Social Media

The SEO and Social media new trends are creating new work profiles. I assume that SEO and Social Media needs to have a perfect marriage, otherwise you will have problems and ultimately you will fail. I did some research and came out with a list that tries to reflect the new challenges of the present web. These new waves / challenges are indeed giving space for very exciting and complex profiles that mix different features and qualifications and open new perspectives for creative and multi-skilled Read more […]

Social Media and SEO Features: Creating a Community

A lot has been written about SEO and Social Media features and about creating a community, and this relation is indeed the key point for the present web performance, both for ROI (Return on Investment) and ROA (Return on Attention). Web is becoming Search and Social at the same time with bigger complexity and content, localisation and technological challenges are bigger than ever and one needs to get in. I will try to synthesize some key points in this post. From a business and of course marketing Read more […]

Social Media and Web Innovation metrics: ROA Return on Attention & ROI Return on Investment

The new trends of innovation are made by passionate people that move more than in any time in history.  These new creatives, entrepreneurs whatever one calls them are citizens of the world (or of the web, or of big cities, according to tastes). They are not indeed bound by any geography, historical job classification, political or institutional affiliations or demographic. These people can be found anywhere from the frontlines of the largest organizations to the garages and rooms where entrepreneurs Read more […]

Future of the Web: Challenges, Trends and notes about its Industries (Part 1)

There are plenty of trends that will Shape the Digital World and the future of the web is going faster and complexer than ever. Between 2008 and 2009 the mutations on the web landscape were massive. If we consider what happened in just a few years it is impressive how the web managed, mapped and indexed by Search Engines still with security breaks changed from being used by a small amount of people with access to it, to become a massive flow of people navigating on it for communications, entertainment Read more […]

Post Modern Emotional (Dis)orders: Dialectic of Diamonds

Living in a negative feeling (of coming after) and at the same moment in a positive feeling of transcending one mixes emotional disorder and euphoria in a world fooled by the in-temporal randomness (Nassim Nicholas Taleb). One is aware  that emotional disorders are part of the way and caused primarily by a brain problem of adaptation to a reality of scars, neuropsychological (cognitive) symptoms, the over information, the over memory, the babel of perception of language, and opposite thinking, Read more […]

ontological mnemonic

the sweet collection of landscapes where one gets lost the anxiety of contamination / water contamination cross contamination food contamination demonic contamination lead contamination pcr contamination contamination control air contamination / (an invented combination of letters with each letter acting as a cue to an idea you need to remember) (an invented relationship between the name and the physical characteristics of the person) , the sweet elements of Read more […]

institution of the nervous breakdown

(this endlessly interrogating) what is the actual cost per click of your lost governing set of ironies; what is the phenomenology of being in the long cataclysmic distance walk of ultra-marathons, death marches, long distance walking across continents without purpose, without permanence; trying to transcend the individual and social intentions, enforcing patterns structures, in the regime of plato’s cave or the mechanisms of the minimal animal breakdown. (consequently the way Read more […]

canonical aesthetic kiss

there are simply things that can’t be erase from retentiveness, or even exorcise ! like a body in a crematorium before being transformed in ashes and presented to the remaining relatives . decay is part of the canon and is probably the last amnesia, the last stage of the visceral vanishing anamnesis , perhaps the best key to forgetting . do you always wish to have your memories refreshed ? in fact the ranging from the life-giving symbolism, of Read more […]

the arts of little disappearing

nobody can write the history of the montage of events and images unglued from ordinary associations what makes the world’s knowledge both in terms of temporality and causality the intersection of neuroscience and culture, zeus and seres’s bosom sense of displacement or disorientation Ω a research about the evolution of the silence in the last thousands of years… let us say, since after the ancient egypt , in deleuze archaeology’s of knowledge, in a system that Read more […]