
Trends in Personal branding and the social media graph

World of evolving social and technological behavior and interaction relation The beginning of the Twentieth century created a world of continuous evolving social and technological behaviour and interaction relations. Also it brought the advent of a time of accelerating mutation, where moments of new trends come with crisis and shift of paradigms. Within this world Personal branding became critical. Personal branding is necessarily the process whereby each person and their respective careers are Read more […]

where you sit within

The World We Have Within and Inner Peace

The world you have within, your inner silence should be the goal We live in a time when technology and social media platforms and its accelerated interaction open a new division between perceptions. This namely between the internal and external flows of life, the external and internal worlds. All these new advances bring with it a beginning of an expanded sense of the social external relationships between people worldwide. However as humans with feelings, emotions and senses it is more Read more […]

things are never that perfect, and at the same time they simple are

things are never that perfect and at the same time they simple are perfect; we are the ones capable or reaching our purposes, when the sun open his eyes wide open and invades our perception with light (though we need to be ready for the light!) to feel something for someone is to feel first for ourselves, we are all creatures of the earth and the air and it is our delicate invisible layers that makes us special and magic builders of the magic cards of reality we can be directors of Read more […]

What Means The Web Social Technological Reality

What means the advent of web social technological reality in a Search and Social daily life? The web is increasingly a mix of Search and Social features. Since the manifest about web 2.0 from Tim O’Reilly a lot has happened and at the moment the differences between what is social or not is almost invisible. At the moment the web universe, whether we call it internet or web has expanded towards a social platform of technologies. These technologies include the search powerful mathematical algorithms, Read more […]

Become the CEO of your will and do

Make sure you become each day the leader of yourself Everyday we need to become leaders of ourselves. Leaders of our will, thoughts, the way we look at things and the way we make things happen. You and me need to be the CEO of our will. We need to put passion in everything we do and mostly materialise that emotional drive in acts. make sure we remember often our biggest dreams and write it down what we did or are doing to achieve it. Part of this work needs to be done through hard work, persistence Read more […]

Social Media Holistic Overview with an infographic

Social Media strategy has to come with a macro Holistic Overview! When considering Social media one needs to do it in a macro holistic overview. There are a lot of things to consider when preparing or managing Social Media within businesses and organisations. The challenge is to manage all the efforts in a way that things work together, both within the organisation and with its external. You can not do just one thing you have to work in a good overview about all the details involved. Some Read more […]

Angels Come to Visit Us We Just Need to Be Aware

Life is made of a magnitude of overwhelming islands in a wild and sometimes calm sea. When visualising life one can think of it, somehow, made of a magnitude of overwhelming islands in a wild and sometimes calm sea. And as true navigators one needs to go through it with the right sailing skills and make sure we reach the right island of the archipelago of destiny… Though one needs to do it without loosing sight of the archipelago of life and its whole. No man is an island as John Donne put Read more […]

Best iPad and iPhone applications for children of all ages

As an iPad and especially an app addict I have been trying out a huge amount of apps for my own entertainment, work, tech experiments and of course for my child and friends’ children. Trust me, part of the fun of having an iPad is sharing it with your child. Having tried to find relevant information about iPad and iPhone applications for a while I discovered that it was a very difficult and time-consuming task. The Apple iTunes search is not very sophisticated and in the end you just find some Read more […]

The 7 things I could never do and live without

Did you stop sometimes to check how your brain is scarred sometimes to death with no stop flows of fears and useless prejudice or insecurities. I am sure that both you and me could write a book about these daily insomnia creepy moments that sometime take over my and your thoughts. The exercise seems to be how to deal with these moments of weakness and how to focus the energy within the things that you and I could never do or live without. This is an exercise that can produce amazing results. Present Read more […]

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