
Angels Come to Visit Us We Just Need to Be Aware

Life is made of a magnitude of overwhelming islands in a wild and sometimes calm sea. When visualising life one can think of it, somehow, made of a magnitude of overwhelming islands in a wild and sometimes calm sea. And as true navigators one needs to go through it with the right sailing skills and make sure we reach the right island of the archipelago of destiny… Though one needs to do it without loosing sight of the archipelago of life and its whole. No man is an island as John Donne put Read more […]

canonical aesthetic kiss

there are simply things that can’t be erase from retentiveness, or even exorcise ! like a body in a crematorium before being transformed in ashes and presented to the remaining relatives . decay is part of the canon and is probably the last amnesia, the last stage of the visceral vanishing anamnesis , perhaps the best key to forgetting . do you always wish to have your memories refreshed ? in fact the ranging from the life-giving symbolism, of Read more […]