
Social Media Holistic Overview with an infographic

Social Media strategy has to come with a macro Holistic Overview! When considering Social media one needs to do it in a macro holistic overview. There are a lot of things to consider when preparing or managing Social Media within businesses and organisations. The challenge is to manage all the efforts in a way that things work together, both within the organisation and with its external. You can not do just one thing you have to work in a good overview about all the details involved. Some Read more […]

Building a Social Media Machine and Strategy

Business and media worldwide are working hard in the questions and challenges that Social Media brought with it. Web evolved from a close network of IPs into a web wide open system where Search and Social Media environment have overthrown almost everything and it is irreversible to have a strategy and to create a social media machine if you are a business. And this bring a lot of concerns how to manage a social media strategy and how to behave on a Social media world. The first question to ask: Read more […]