
Globalisation, Social Media Terra Incognita Web

Terra incognita, web transparency and a new metaphoric globalisation! Lately technology and web are making humanity go faster… too fast in this wide “Terra incognita” (the latin expression for Unknown land, territorry, used by ancient navigators for the mysterious areas under discovery).  Although we live in a over mapped world that has powerful navigation such tools as Google Maps, GPS, Foursquare, Geo location devices the notion of “direction” has somehow disappeared from the reality maps. Read more […]

It is not about having time but making decisions: Social Me-dia Management

What if time stopped now…? What if you could effectively do what you always wanted to do…? This is a question I have been asking myself more lately. And the answer it is not so much about time, but about time management and decision! In the present landscape we live where the Me is mixed within the Social “Me”dia there are new things to be extra aware. Everything in daily life and personal management is somehow mixed with different real and digital platforms. This shift from reality and Read more […]

Be aware of Mermaids and Sirens How to Deal With Erroneous Zones

Did you ever meet a mermaid or a siren in your life? Well I did and trust me it was the craziest experience in my life. Mermaids and sirens are mythological creatures that sink the fishermen and navigators. They are beautiful and sensual people (ladies in my case, or attractive borderline situations) disguised as passions and love affairs that come to your life and suddenly move everything. These creatures or situations have a strong spell, they hypnotize and drive you towards a border (a cliff) Read more […]

You Are What You Think About It – Purpose of Life

Sometimes you just need to remember all the small things that make you happy. Why do you smile, what relaxes you? In my case I try to do it though the way I think. Thus i use to do some quizzes about myself and my own way of thinking. Thus today I just want to publish a small poem I wrote that I try to read as often as possible. So today I am not going through a any reflection about web trends, marketing, strategy, social media, technology. I am going just to free my poetic soul. Hope it works for Read more […]

Heart failure or Life Failure and Short Attention Span: 7 x 2 points of reflection

Image via Wikipedia A small reflection about the Importance of failure in life and 7 ways how to manage that. I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. Thomas Alva Edison I have been thinking for a while in the concept of failure and its implications in life, both personal and professional. To have a heart failure is ultimately serious, perhaps lethal but in the end the most terrible thing you can experience is to have a life failure. We live in a world that we Read more […]

in the future there is the rainbow

Trends that shift the Future of web, media and marketing (Social)

Trains come and go and the web, media and marketing landscape is going through very serious new trends coming. In order to understand these shifts and trends let us start with some truly mindboggling pieces of data surrounding the web and mainly the social web main present players and the way they are putting the self guided consumer – prosumer – in the center of web, media and marketing: • Facebook claims that 50% of active users log into the site each day. This would mean at least Read more […]

Video Art and Art and Essay Film in Portugal, an arts video curatorial Book project, N_Books (Número)

From its first emergence in the studio, in a mixture of experimentation and documentation, until it was welcomed into galleries and museums, video art asserted itself as an individual social, visual and ideological medium in which the avant-garde, underground cinema, expanded cinema and other movements were free to express themselves unhindered. In a world increasingly dominated by the technological media, video appeared to offer a rawness which invited exploration. Under the cloak of spontaneity, Read more […]

Imagelisation, image and landscapes

Since the 90 the media landscape changed completely. In 1994, major media companies, including corporations such as Hearst Corporation, which owned numerous American periodicals and television networks formed for the first time the so called “new media” divisions and trade groups such as the New York New media Association were organised. Around the same time, artists, curators and critics started to use the term “New Media Art” to refer to Works – such interactive multimédia installations, Read more […]