
Money, Wealth, Social Media and Gamification

There is a Shift between Money, Co-creation, Social Media and Gamification We are in a historical paradox crossroad for humanity. It is thus a frightening time for the world finances and economics where at the same time the concept of money is pushed further through the advent of social media, co-creation, the social graph and concepts such as Gamification that are taking over of reality and creating a kind of twilight zone. On one hand there is extreme poverty mixed with extreme wealth, the advent Read more […]

where you sit within

The World We Have Within and Inner Peace

The world you have within, your inner silence should be the goal We live in a time when technology and social media platforms and its accelerated interaction open a new division between perceptions. This namely between the internal and external flows of life, the external and internal worlds. All these new advances bring with it a beginning of an expanded sense of the social external relationships between people worldwide. However as humans with feelings, emotions and senses it is more Read more […]

Become the CEO of your will and do

Make sure you become each day the leader of yourself Everyday we need to become leaders of ourselves. Leaders of our will, thoughts, the way we look at things and the way we make things happen. You and me need to be the CEO of our will. We need to put passion in everything we do and mostly materialise that emotional drive in acts. make sure we remember often our biggest dreams and write it down what we did or are doing to achieve it. Part of this work needs to be done through hard work, persistence Read more […]

You Are What You Think About It – Purpose of Life

Sometimes you just need to remember all the small things that make you happy. Why do you smile, what relaxes you? In my case I try to do it though the way I think. Thus i use to do some quizzes about myself and my own way of thinking. Thus today I just want to publish a small poem I wrote that I try to read as often as possible. So today I am not going through a any reflection about web trends, marketing, strategy, social media, technology. I am going just to free my poetic soul. Hope it works for Read more […]

Fragility, Hope, Emotions and Decision in a Tech Time

There are different ways of seeing the concept of being fragile. Being fragile is a state on the edge of hope and it is about a sense of not knowing the way to go. And being more or less fragile defines partly the way you conduct hope, emotions and the way you end up deciding. And this is more intense and confusing in a time where humans are in part within a context of social and tech interaction. In a time of life style “Krisis”, (the etimologic keyword, from the greek, that gave origin to crisis) Read more […]

canonical aesthetic kiss

there are simply things that can’t be erase from retentiveness, or even exorcise ! like a body in a crematorium before being transformed in ashes and presented to the remaining relatives . decay is part of the canon and is probably the last amnesia, the last stage of the visceral vanishing anamnesis , perhaps the best key to forgetting . do you always wish to have your memories refreshed ? in fact the ranging from the life-giving symbolism, of Read more […]

Kaleidoscope Zeitgeist (Life Style Krisis)

Zeitgeist. Civilization of images. Civilization of clichés. Empty banality. Make sensible. Disconnected spaces. Aleatory encounters. Being Sensation. Space of the figural as distinctive from figurative. End Game. Neurological violence into logic. Loss. Absence. Critical judgement. Encounters of the arts with concept, theory, science, knowledge. Aesthetics of the power of the time. Postmodernism = Post media. Incommensurables. “This is beautiful” = “This is art”. Monolithically. Deleuze’s Read more […]